Book an Event

Event Booking Form

Contact Information

Preferred Communication

Contract Details

Legal name in which the contract will be issued

Entity Questionnaire

  1. If you are a natural person conducting business under a trade name or assumed name, please provide us with your full proper name, your current business address, your current business phone number and the complete trade name or assumed name under which you are conducting your business.
  2. If you are a corporation, limited liability company or a limited partnership operating under a fictitious name, please provide us with the corporate, limited liability company and/or limited partnership name under which you are chartered or registered, the name and address of your registered agent, your current business address, your current business phone number and the fictitious name under which you are conducting your business.
  3. If you are a general partnership, joint venture or an unincorporated association, please provide us with the complete proper name of the general partnership, joint venture or association, the current business address and phone number of the partnership, joint venture and/or association, the complete proper names, current addresses and current phone numbers of each partner of the partnership or joint venture and the complete proper names, current addresses and current phone numbers of each member of the governing board of the association.
Complete association name, trade name, corporation or assumed name under which you are conducting business
If you are doing business as a non-profit organization, please attach 501-C3 Form.
If you are exempt from Arkansas State Taxes, please attach a copy of your sales and use Tax exemption permit.

Event Details

Will alcohol be served at your event?
Will you use an outside decorator or production?

Event Timeline

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