First Security Amphitheater

Upcoming Events & Performances

Fast Facts

First Security Amphitheater infographic listing the rules for entry

Frequently Asked Questions about the First Security Amphitheater

What happens if it rains?

Why isn't an event canceled if it rains?

How can I find a hotel around the First Security Amphitheater?

Where do I park?


Are special arrangements made for guests with disabilities?

Is there a seating chart for First Secutiry Amphitheater?

Are Pit Tickets Seats or Standing Spots?

How can I obtain a performer's autograph?

How can I get a backstage pass?

Who do I call if I lost something?

Is there an ATM in the park?

Can I set up as a vendor during an upcoming event?

General Amphitheater Policies

Items Not Allowed

Items Allowed on a Show-by-Show Basis