Become A Vendor
Complete this form to be a vendor at the Little Rock Farmers Market.
Please complete this form prior to attending the market. It is only required to be completed once per season.
Vendor FAQ
Rules & Regulations
Do I have to Register BEFORE I Attend The Market?
Yes. All vendor applications will be reviewed by Market Management to ensure compliance with market policies, product eligibility, and space availability, a confirmation email will be sent the following week to finalize the vendor’s participation and provide any additional instructions.
- Farmer, Grower, and/or Produce Broker
- Locally Prepared Food
- Artisan (See Rules and Regulations)
- Non-Profit Organization (Must have 501(c)(3) status)
- Busker
Can I Park My Car WITH My Booth?
No. Only select booth locations can accommodate a vehicle. (See rules and Regulations)
Where is Vendor Parking?
The 2nd and River Market Parking Deck is recommended for vendor parking. Please avoid parking in the flat lot next to the Market, as it allows more customers to attend when parking is readily available closer to the market. Trucks with trailers may park near First Security Amphitheater when there are no performances.
Do Vendors Park For Free In The Deck?
Yes, bring your parking ticket to the Farmers Market Tent and a Validation Sticker will be provided to exit at no charge. To Exit the Deck, scan the front of the ticket on the reader, then scan the sticker on the back. If you have an issue, press the help button on the kiosk.
How Can I Get An Assigned Space?
Vendors with a 75% attendance rate from the prior season will be eligible for priority space assignments.
How Can I Get A Space Under The Pavilions?
Certain spaces are not guaranteed except to assigned vendors. Unassigned vendors are placed in the following order: Produce and Plants, Locally Prepared Foods, Handcrafted Items, Non-Profit Groups.
How Much is a Space?
Each space is 10 x 10 in size and the cost is based on location as follows:
- Pavilion Locations: $30
- River Plaza Locations: $20
- St. Vincent Plaza Locations: $20
- Tower Locations: $15
- Riverfest Plaza Locations: $10
- Busker (entertainers) Locations: $10
Are Setups Provided?
No. Vendors are required to bring their own tables, chairs, power cords, fans and everything else they need to do business for the day. Free public WiFi is available for use by vendors, as well as patrons.