Welcome to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section of Robinson Center! Robinson Center is a premier conference and event center located in the heart of Little Rock, Arkansas. This section provides answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about our facility, services, and amenities.
Attendee Bag Policies
The following are the only bags permitted into Robinson Center:
- Small clutch bags (no larger than 9″ x 11″)
- Diaper bags (no larger than 14" x 14" x 6")
Backpacks and large purses are not permitted. (An exception will be made for medically necessary items after proper inspection.)
All bags are subject to search.
More Frequently Asked Questions
Where is Robinson Center located?
The physical address of Robinson Center and the box office is:
426 W Markham St
Little Rock, AR 72201
Where is the box office located and when is it open?
Robinson Center's Box Office is located on Level One and open Monday through Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., and 60 minutes prior to each performance.
What is the phone number for Robinson Center?
Contact phone numbers for Robinson Center:
Box Office
(501) 244-8800
(800) 745-3000
Arkansas Symphony Orchestra
(501) 666-1761
(501) 370-3267
When do the doors open for a show?
Robinson Center lobby doors open 60 minutes prior to the scheduled performance time.
The Performance Hall doors open for seating 30 minutes prior to the scheduled performance time.
Ticket holders should plan to arrive at least 30 minutes before the scheduled performance time.
How do I buy tickets?
Purchase tickets online via Ticketmaster or Arkansas Symphony Orchestra.
Purchase tickets by phone via Robinson Center Box Office (501) 244-8800 or Arkansas Symphony Orchestra (501) 666-1761.
Robinson Center Box Office, Ticketmaster, and Arkansas Symphony Orchestra are the only authorized ticket retailers for Robinson Center.
What is the refund and /or exchange policy?
All ticket sales are final. Refunds, exchanges, or retroactive discounts are not possible.
If the weather is bad, can I exchange my ticket for another performance or get a refund?
Generally, the performances in the Robinson Center will go on as scheduled regardless of inclement weather, and no refunds will be issued.
Each production is contractually entitled to the ticket revenues from their performances so long as the actors are on stage and perform. Legal exceptions are only allowed for “Acts of God” or “regulations of public authorities,” which happens when the government steps in to close a venue during severe weather or an emergency. Otherwise, “the show must go on.” Refunds and reseating to other performances are not allowed per this agreement.
However, in the unlikely event the promoter cancels a performance, the Robinson Center will notify all media, notices will be posted on our website and refunds will be available at the point of purchase.
What is the policy on re-entry?
For most performances, you are permitted to leave and return to Robinson Center. Please confirm with a ticket taker or security.
What is the policy on late seating?
Permission for late seating is determined by each performance. In most cases, it is permitted, however you may be held in the lobby until an appropriate entrance time.
Which credit cards are accepted as payment?
The Robinson Center accepts Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express.
Does my child need a ticket?
For shows requiring tickets, all persons regardless of age must have a ticket to enter unless a special promotion provides for free entry. Please check individual show information for age recommendations or restrictions.
May I bring my children to Broadway productions?
Robinson Center productions are generally suitable for ages 12 and older. Specific age recommendations will be listed on the event listing page for each show when available.
Although young people of all ages are welcome to family productions, children under 4 are not admitted to Broadway productions. Everyone who enters the theatre must have a ticket.
Is there an ATM at the Robinson Center?
Yes. There is an ATM located on Level One in the box office area.
Can I bring my camera, phone and/or recording equiptment?
The use of electronic devices is prohibited in the theatre. This includes phones, cameras, video and audio recorders, flashlights, etc.
Due to performance copyrights and the disruptive nature of electronic devices, guests using these items may be ejected without refund.
No professional cameras (cameras with detachable lens) and/or recording devices will be permitted inside the Performance Hall.
Please note: many shows do not allow photography. Please be respectful of this policy.
What is the food / beverage policy? What is available at the concession stands?
Outside food and drinks are not permitted; beverages are available for purchase.
What is available at the concession stands?
Concession stands sell beverages only, and are located at multiple points throughout the venue.
Cash-free payments in the concession areas are strongly encouraged.
What security measures are in place and what items are prohibited?
Robinson Center is serious about the safety of our guests. For the protection of our patrons, theatre managers and private security personnel are on duty for all performances. Patrons and their belongings are subject to inspection and metal detection upon entry.
Walk-through magnetometers are mandatory. All patrons will be scanned. Expectant mothers and those with pacemakers will be screened with handheld devices.
Patrons without a bag shall hold keys and cellphones overhead as they walk through the magnetometers.
- Only bring necessary items
- Only small clutch bags no larger than 9″ x 11″ allowed
The following is a list of items not permitted inside the Robinson Center:
- Firearms, knives, and weapons of any kind
- Illegal drugs or substances
- Laser pointers
- Fireworks
- Outside food and beverages
- SLRs, DSLRs, video cameras, and professional cameras, including external flash camera units or interchangeable/detachable lenses
- Pets other than service animals
- Backpacks
- Bags larger than 9”x 11″
- More than one bag
- Weapons of any kind
- Knives of any kind
- Pepper spray/mace
- Fireworks or pyrotechnics of any kind
- Outside food and beverage
- Flasks
- Coolers
- Drugs
- Illegal substances
- Skateboards
- Rollerblades
- Bicycles
- Helmets
- Beach balls
- Frisbees
- Streamers
- Laptop/tablet
- Computers
- 2-way radios
- Cameras
- Laser pointers
- Flashlights
- Balloons
- Permanent markers
- Spray paint
- Noise making devices
- Audio or video recording devices (except cell phones and authorized media equipment)
- Signs/flags/banners
- Selfie sticks
- Chains
- Spikes
- Any other item that may be deemed by event organizers and/or staff as a potential safety or security threat
We reserve the right to prohibit other items as deemed necessary. Patrons will have the opportunity to return items to their vehicles before entering.
Help us keep our venues secure — if you see anything suspicious, please tell an usher or other venue representative.
How is the accessible section of the Robinson Center seated?
Accessible locations are determined on a show-by-show basis, and per the accessible need. There are multiple locations throughout Robinson Center that are designated for wheelchairs. Those locations include:
- Box 3 Seats 1-4
- Orchestra Center, Row W, Seats 225-226 (Companion Seats 224, 227)
- Orchestra Right, Row M, Seats 104-105 (Companion 101-103, 106-107)
- Orchestra Left, Row M, Seats 304-305 (Companion 301-303, 306-307)
- Grand Tier, Row K, Seats 2, 4-5, 41-42 (Companion 1, 3, 6, 40, 43)
- Upper Tier, Row K, Seats 2-3 (Companion 1, 4)
Patrons with other accessibility needs are encouraged to contact the Box Office, and one of our venue representatives will be happy to assist.
Are Assisted Listening Devices available for ticket holders?
Assisted Listening Devices (Infrared ALD) are available at the receptionist desk in the street level lobby. There is no charge for the device, but a government issued ID is required to be held until the device is returned.
What parking is available?
Robinson Center offers self-parking in the Robinson Center Parking Garage, attached to the venue.
The entrance to the parking garage is located at Markham & Spring Streets, and off of La Harpe Boulevard on the North side of the Robinson Center/DoubleTree Hotel complex.
On rare occasions conflicting events at other downtown venues can make parking more difficult. We will make every attempt to inform you whenever we feel parking might be challenging.
Free parking after 5 p.m. is also available on many of the streets near Robinson Center.
Where can drivers drop off patrons?
Robinson Center provides multiple drop off areas for patrons: West side of the building, off Broadway Street; East side of the building, off the hotel driveway; and at the base of the grand columns on Markham Street.
Are First Aid supplies available at the Robinson Center?
Basic first aid supplies may be obtained from the Security office located on the street level lobby. Any volunteer, or Robinson Center team member, may also access these supplies. Please note, Robinson Center cannot provide medication.
Can I smoke inside the theatre?
Robinson Center does not allow smoking of any kind, including the use of e-cigarettes or vaporizers inside the facility or within 25 feet of all entrances.
Please check with a ticket taker or security to make sure you are able to reenter with your ticket if you go outside to smoke.